Our mission is to create actionable methods for churches and church leaders to pursue health and resiliency, tangibly strengthening the church.
We see three major ways we can do this…
Creating Resources for Church Leaders
Evaluating Congregational and Pastoral Health
Increasing Minister Longevity and Decreasing Church Turnover
Our Values
there are five things that we bring into everything we do
We believe that healthy churches and ministers are more effective in the long run. If we could choose for every minister to be hyper-talented or healthy, we would choose the latter. We view pastoral health through an integrative lens and church health through a systems theory lens.
We believe that the enemy attacks healthy churches as well as ministers with the goal of pulling them into some form of dysfunction. For this reason, having health alone is not enough. Churches and pastors alike need to hone their resiliency. At STRONGR we view resiliency as "The ability to remain steady when things are difficult for a sustained period of time."
Right now, every single existing church health evaluation processes is missing one of two things: either it's inaccessible or it's poorly researched.
STRONGR seeks to change this. We want to innovate in the space and develop a catalog of accessible and well researched solutions for testing church and pastoral health.
We believe that healthy churches, ministers and deacons should network with one another. For example, when a minister has taken our pastoral health evaluation and completed our STRONGR certification, they will gain access to our STRONGR network. The purpose of this network is not to make some sort of elitist social club. The purpose, rather, is to provide a way for healthy churches to find healthy Pastors and vice versa.
We believe in accomplishing our mission in a way that is highly repeatable. If we discover a way to boost new minister's longevity, we want to be able to copy and paste it everywhere. This informs the way that we function as an organization. If we find a method of accomplishing our mission that is time intensive and not conducive to repeatability, we will move on and keep searching.